Preventing Chronic Diseases Through Early Intervention and Risk Reduction

Maintaining good health is something that most people strive for. When you are proactive with your health, it allows you and your health providers to work together to keep you functioning at an optimal level. For help with Preventative Medicine in Rome, NY, you can count on Dr. Camille Dillard. She provides her patients with the tools and information they need to prevent chronic diseases. 

More than half of Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease. Not only do chronic diseases limit your ability to do some of the activities of daily life, but they can be a financial burden. By recognizing your risk factors for chronic diseases and by seeing your Preventative Medicine physician early, you can be proactive in reducing your risk of having your entire life affected. 

Risk reduction

 There is not much you can do about your genetics, but by making Dr. Dillard aware of your family history and predisposition to chronic disease, you can help her look for potential symptoms and, through early detection, better control of your condition can be achieved. 

Regular checkups

 Don't be a stranger to your Rome, NY, Preventative Medicine physician. Your yearly visits are very important for early intervention and prevention of chronic diseases. Dr. Dillard will check your vitals and, with the information she knows about you, can request the necessary tests to detect the early signs of serious illnesses. These results will set the stage for your early treatment. Let Dr. Dillard know about any symptoms that you are experiencing that are not normal for you. They may be the warnings of something brewing. 

Diet and exercise

 Diet and exercise are vital ingredients of Preventative Medicine. Eating the right things can result in much better function of your body. Your body needs fuel, but if you are eating the wrong things, you just feel tired and sluggish. The correct balance of foods can give you the energy and weight that you desire. 

If you are drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and/or smoking, consider quitting or at least reducing the amount you are consuming. They are causes of chronic illnesses. 

Adding exercise to your life can be as simple as taking a short walk every day. It is important to get up and get moving. Find an exercise buddy and make moving a part of your daily routine.

With early intervention, you can fight back against chronic disease and maintain your health for years to come. 

Contact Dr. Dillard when you need help with Preventative Medicine in Rome, NY. Give our office a call at 888-388-9355 to make an appointment today. 

Office Hours

*Office hours are by appointment only*


1:00 PM - 5:00 PM


8:30 AM - 5:00 PM




8:30 AM - 5:00 PM


8:30 AM - 5:00 PM



